3 Practices for Pain-Free Periods

For many women, menstrual pain and cramps are considered a normal part of female life. Studies have shown that a significant percentage of women experience distressing pain during their menstrual cycles. But what if I told you that pain is not a natural aspect of your menstrual cycle? What if there’s another way to experience your monthly flow?

Keep reading to learn why menstrual pains occur and three alternative practices for alleviating menstrual pain.

Causes of Menstrual Pain

Menstrual cramps result from uterine contractions expelling its lining, triggered by hormone-like substances called prostaglandins.

Higher prostaglandin levels correlate with more severe pain. Other causes of menstrual cramps include:


  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Adenomyosis
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • Cervical stenosis


Rewriting the Codes: Embracing Ease

No matter what level of discomfort you may be experiencing as a result of your cycle, believe that it is possible to release the pain and embrace a new way of experiencing your period. 

Are you ready to shift your perspective and view your menstrual cycle through a lens of sacredness and science?

Three Practices for Menstrual Pain Relief

  1. Warmth

    If you are subjected to prolonged cold, restlessness, or stress in your daily life, this can lead to stagnation of blood in your sanctuary during menstruation. 

Harness the power of heat to alleviate menstrual cramps and pain. Heat is especially useful if you feel intense, stabbing pains and/or restlessness. 

You can use either a traditional hot water bottle, or a warmed clothed bag of rice or buckwheat.

Why this works: The application of heat opens the blood vessels and promotes lively blood flow, bringing relief from cramps and pain.

  1. Pressure

    If you feel dizzy during menstruation, feel tired, or feel a dull ache all the way in your lower back, these pains may be a manifestation of a general lack of energy in the body, coupled with a lack of blood.

    Find relief from menstrual pain by using gentle pressure, such as in yoga asana like balasana (child’s pose). Try not to “overdo” it; stretches should be pleasant & relaxing – not stimulating.


Why this works: Allowing your body weight to create a comforting pressure on your uterus promotes relaxation and relief.

(PS. Sometimes just your hands and your healing power of touch can work wonders. Try it!)

  1. Coolness

    Using cold therapy during menstruation might not be widely recognized, but it can offer relief for those experiencing pain or discomfort, particularly if heat only exacerbates painful symptoms. 

If you feel overheated, thirsty, or notice that heat intensifies your pain, cold therapy could be beneficial.

To do this – apply cold packs to your abdomen and womb area. You can create a cold pack by wetting a small towel or cloth with water and placing it in the freezer for a while. Once chilled, place it on your uterus and take deep breaths. With each breath, focus on how the cold sensation brings relaxation and calmness to your body.

Alternatively, consider immersing yourself in a refreshing stream or river, even during the winter months. The cold water can help alleviate discomfort and promote a sense of well-being.

Why this works: By constricting blood vessels in the uterine area, the constriction reduces blood flow to the region, which can decrease inflammation and alleviate pain. Additionally, the cool/cold sensation can temporarily numb the nerves in the area, providing relief from menstrual cramps and discomfort.

Inside Lemurian Womb, you will:

  • Unlock the secrets of sacred feminine wisdom to enhance your menstrual health and well-being.
  • Embrace your cyclical nature and awaken your intuition.
  • Let go of limiting beliefs, thoughts, and patterns holding you back.
  • Align with the natural rhythm and cycle of nature and your own body.
  • Expand your vitality, health, and sensuality for a life of contentment, happiness, and love.
  • Experience a series of activations to deepen your connection with your womb.
    and more…

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