5 Tips for Irregular Periods

Do you have regular periods or are you someone who never knows when your period is coming?

Maybe you’ve never had a regular cycle, or maybe you’ve been waiting for your period for years and it’s not coming again. Perhaps you are excited by the thought of getting pregnant but you don’t know if you’re even ovulating at all.

Read on to find out:

  • Why your periods are irregular – and what you can do
  • The importance of regular ovulation for overall health
  • Practical tips for supporting cycle regularity
  • How to tell when something is “off” in your body

At the end of this post, you’ll also receive an invitation to deepen your knowledge about your menstrual cycle and become your most empowered self through my program, Lemurian Womb (we start March 2024!)

What a Regular Cycle Can Look Like  

A ‘normal’ menstrual cycle can last between 21 and 35 days. You can expect to bleed between three and seven days each time you get your period.

When a woman is looking into whether or not her cycle is regular or not, it’s common to make the mistake of only looking at the menstruation phase to determine whether your cycle is regular – when in fact, ovulation is the key phase to look at. 

One of the main causes of irregular periods is missing ovulation. Even if you don’t necessarily want to get pregnant right now, ensuring that you’re having a regular ovulation phase is still very important to track because ovulation provides your body with a healthy dose of your monthly hormones that help maintain the health of your breasts, heart, bones and overall immune system.

5 Essential Tips for Regulating Your Cycle

Irregular periods are quite common, but they are not ‘normal’. Having an irregular period is your body’s way of telling you that something is out of balance and it’s time to listen.

Here are five proven ways you can support your body in its natural fertility, vibrancy and health.

1. Find your rhythm
What is your daily individual rhythm? Everyone has a specific amount of energy for the day and an optimal natural flow for using that energy in the most efficient and effective way.

Start paying attention to your energy levels. Do you wake up feeling tired? Do you find yourself having a burst of energy and focus at certain points in the day? How often do you go over your limit and live with an energy deficit? Make notes and see what you uncover.

2. Prioritize the right rest for you
Balancing the amount of work you do and energy expended with the same quality of rest is difficult for a lot of people – specifically women. Over the years, society has trained women to be ‘stronger workers’ and unintelligently go against their natural state of easefulness.

Starting today, create a list of activities that truly relax and recharge you. This could look like a walk in nature, gentle yoga, cuddling with yourself or your partner. Everyone’s definition of rest will be unique. Pick one to incorporate into your lifestyle and you may find you start seeing positive effects on your menstrual cycle almost immediately.

3. Give your body security

The female body loves and THRIVES in feeling safe and secure. Security means there isn’t a shock or surprise lurking around every corner…

Create a safe daily routine for your body. You can do this by waking up and falling asleep at similar times, as well as trying to eat meals around the same time. Routine helps your body “know what’s coming next” and relax into the present moment.

 4. Choose the right foods
If you already know that you’re experiencing irregular periods, try adding more cooked foods to your diet over purely raw foods. Cooked foods can dramatically help your cycle find its balance again. You can also boost your diet by adding carminative spices such as ginger, turmeric, black pepper, coriander, mint, cumin and fennel.


5. Take care of your body through regular nutrition
Similar to giving your body safety, it’s important to give your body a regular supply of nutrients. This can look like: 

  • Taking vitamins and minerals.
  • Drinking enough water (try adding lemon and salt to help aid in hydration).
  • Eating well before you start feeling jittery, faint, nauseous and hungry.
  • Keeping an eye on your blood sugar levels by avoiding processed foods.
  • Avoid skipping meals altogether (especially in your luteal phase). 

I sincerely hope this post helps guide you towards bringing more harmony to your cycle.

And if you’d like more support with bringing your cycle into balance…

Join Lemurian Womb


Lemurian Womb is my signature 13-week program that will guide you to:

  • Regulate your cycle so that you live life in total holistic alignment.
  • Access your intuition to make heart-led decisions in your life, business and relationships.
  • Let go of limiting beliefs, thoughts, and patterns holding you back.
  • Liberate your womb, wisdom, and wealth.
  • Rediscover the depth of your womanhood, free from societal and ancestral distortions.

    And more.

Want to know more?