Wild & free


July 22 – 28, 2024  |  Portugal

Wild & free


July 22 – 28, 2024  |  Portugal

Feminine Embodiment Retreat With Wild Horses In Portugal

With a blink of an eye you find yourself in the midst of Portuguese countryside.
You exhale deeply feeling the grounding touch of your barefeet on the land.

In these vast meadows lives a herd of wild horses, waiting for you in their absolute presence and pure unconditional love. 

Your morning walk to spend time with the herd is filled with the scent of rosemary growing alongside the path.

Together with the magnificent tribe of wild gorgeous women, you feel you are in the right place in the right.The sense of belonging, sweetness and tenderness caresses and holds your heart.

You are in a safe sacred space,

Where you have the opportunity to stop and dive deep into your inner self and rediscover your true authnetic dreams and visions and align your future steps with the rhythm of your beautiful, untamed heart. 

All supported by the healing herd of horses. 

and me personally

You are in a safe sacred space,

Where you have the opportunity to stop and dive deep into your inner self and rediscover your true authnetic dreams and visions and align your future steps with the rhythm of your beautiful, untamed heart. 

All supported by the healing herd of horses.


and me personally

When? July 22nd – 28th, 2024

We will spend the first 4 days of the retreat together with the horses and then move on to gentle integration time closer to the healing power of the ocean. As Juuna (the magical woman, “mother” of these wild horses) says: “horses are dolphins on land.”


Do you feel like indulging in this nourishing and deeply transformative time?


Reset your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic body?


Do you want to dissolve in the embrace of women, celebrate, dance, sing... simply rewild and reconnect to the abundant nature within you?


Take the practices you learned with us to next level with me by your side? This magical and deeply transformative retreat is for a limited number of women, and now you have the opportunity to join us!

Being with the wild horses has been absolutely positively life-changing in my personal experience, so powerful for me that I return year after year.


And I invite you to experience it too, and not just meeting the horses and being in their field.

We will be weaving the thread of light within our wombs holding each other as we rewild and celebrate our beautiful bodies and lives.

All of our ceremonies and sister circle will nourish you so deeply and light up your heart, womb and soul.

Watch a Video from our previous retreat

Wild & free


July 22 – 28, 2024  |  Portugal

Wild & free


July 22 – 28, 2024  |  Portugal

WILD & FREE in person retreat

Feminine Embodiment Retreat With Wild Horses In Portugal


Includes 7 days, 6 nights Portugal

 Pay In Full €2,222

The price includes all the services, transport within the retreat, minimum 5 sessions with the horses, activations and ceremonies.
The price does not include travel to and from the destination, any other tips and expenses outside of the retreat. Our team can assist you with the travels and will give you all necessary information you need to get to the retreat with ease and grace.
For more information contact moni@eliskavaea.cz

Book your Application Call to Reserve Your Spot

 About Your Space Holders

Eliska Vaea

Through healing my own struggle of incontinence at the age of 16 and other hormonal disbalances and womb pains, I devoted my life exploring all the secrets and gifts our female bodies have for us. This commitment has taken me to study at Florida Atlantic University in the US,  to learn from feminine wisdom keepers in South America, to womb shamans and healers and Daoist Masters and practices in Asia, leading workshops and retreats and visiting over 70 countries and now to YOU!

You are about to enter a portal into a totally expanded, abundant, compassionate and wild version of you.

Raquel Figueiroa

Over the past 15 years, Raquel has been immersed in a plethora of healing modalities, including Feminine Alchemy, Shamanic Healing Arts, Quantum Healing, Reiki, Taoist Practices, Meditation, Shadow and Inner Child Work, Tapping, Trauma Release, Somatic Healing, Holistic Health, Hypnosis, Yoga and Mindfullness.Throughout the years she was able to overcome various issues like autoimmune disease, ADHD, sensitivity to stimuli, eating disorders (bulimia), social anxiety, bad acne, chronic bloating, depression, substance addiction, toxic relationship with her body and anchor in her integrity, honoring her needs and her deepest truth.She now combines all the profound knowledge and experience to empower other powerful hyper sensitive women on their own healing journeys activating their authentic essence through self-discovery and transformative practices.