hey beauty

I’m here to help
you liberate your womb
and create the business of
your dreams

I’m Eliska Vaea – a feminine leadership mentor and ceremonialist who stopped waiting to be discovered. I created my own dream life and current multi 6 figure location-independent business after being diagnosed with incontinence at 16 by choosing to learn, heal, and experience all that’s possible in my female body.

I always knew there was life waiting ‘beyond the reef’ of my tiny village, and so at the age of 20, I set off to unearth what that is and continue to heal and listen to my womb.

Following the nudges of my curiosity led me to womb shamans and healers in South America, taoist and sacred sexuality practices in South East Asia and Star Ancestors, and Pleiadian and Lemurian wisdom in the Pacific.

I hired mentors, coaches, and went to mystery schools. Once I started to invest in support and let myself receive help, listen and go all in, my life changed in quantum leaps.

I fell in love with my womb and her cycles, my wild & free heart and feminine wisdom. Quickly, my relationships and business blossomed.

I traveled to over 70 countries studying ancient wisdom, secret practices, and mysteries in ritual and daily life. I’ve taught thousands of women all around the world, including Hollywood stars and extraordinary women like you, how to access your unique superpowers, experience soul stretching love, and live an authentic life

I’ve held ceremonies and luscious retreats full of profound practices and life-changing rituals in the most exquisite places around the world. All to empower you; women, leaders of the new earth, to find your magic within.

I’m also a co-author of the best-selling book “Ignite The Modern Goddess” where you can read all about my journey of overcoming a fear of speaking in public – let alone singing – and finding my voice through pleasure.

Mentoring with myself and my team means you will be supported in fully embodying ease, flow, and glow. Receive a new template of being and living your innermost truth. Be held in your innate wholeness, bathed in beauty and bliss, so that you remember why you came here and what your soul mission is.

My team and I are here to help you, as a feminine leader and space-holder, to create energetically sound and pure spaces for wealth expansion that feel light and graceful..
