Embracing the Sacred Premenstrual Phase

The premenstrual phase is a sacred space within the menstrual cycle, often misunderstood and shrouded in societal stigma. 

It’s a time of both powerful intuition and intense physical and emotional experiences. 

Let’s delve into the depths of this transformative phase and reclaim its inherent magic.

The “Bitch Phase” or “Creative Phase”: A Time of Radical Self-Love

For many women, the premenstrual phase is characterized by mood swings, fatigue, digestive issues, bloating, constipation, headaches, sensitive breasts, anxiety… I could go on. (Perhaps this is why most women consider this phase to be their mortal enemy rather than a sacred gift.) 

Despite its challenges, this phase offers an opportunity for radical self-love and creative expression. It’s a chance to fine-tune projects and embrace the intuitive wisdom that arises.

It’s time to shift our perspective and embrace the transformative potential of this phase…


Embracing the Inner Shift: Reconnecting with Your Cycle

The premenstrual phase marks a transition from fertility to cleansing, from outer focus to inner reflection. 

For me, personally, my premenstrual phase looks like plenty of rest, light walking, free-flow dancing, singing, painting, making love with crystal wands, and tuning inwards. 

Despite societal pressures to resist this natural shift, embracing our inner rhythms is key to unlocking the sacredness of this period. By listening to our bodies and honoring our intuition, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

And so I invite you to listen to yourself and listen to your body during this phase ~ notice what symptoms you are experiencing, love them, embrace them, and listen to them. 

Remember that during this sacred period of your cycle, the veil is lifted between what you ‘think to be true’ and what is the real truth.

Reclaiming Sacredness… An Invitation

If you’ve read this far, I invite you to join me in exploring the wisdom of the female body through the Lemurian Womb, a 13 week transformative journey of living into your full potential.

Inside Lemurian Womb, you will:

  • Discover who you truly are – free from societal distortions.
  • Shift from a chronic overthinker to an embodied intuitive.
  • Cultivate a strong connection to your womb & inner divine guidance system.
  • Align with the natural rhythm and cycle of nature and your own body.
  • Learn how to make an impact from a place of authentic sacred power.
  • Deepen your intuition and embrace your feminine gifts.
  • Expand your vitality, health, and sensuality for a life of contentment, happiness, and love.
  • Unlock your creativity and superabundance with ease and flow.
    And more!