Free Bleeding: Reclaiming the Sacredness of Menstrual Blood (+ My Personal Journey)

Magical woman, I honor your uniqueness, your body in its entirety—every fold, scar, and movement is a testament to the incredible wisdom and genius of the female form.

But even with the growing celebration of the sacred feminine worldwide, of women stepping into the power and divine right, I must pause and ask…

Why is there still so much ‘taboo’ and stigma around menstruation?  

In this post, I’m covering:

  • The empowering practice of free bleeding
  • How free bleeding is a profound act of embracing your femininity.
  • Reclaiming your sacred gift
  • How to integrate free bleeding into everyday life

Ready? Let’s dive in.


Discovering the Joy of Free Bleeding

Throughout my teenage years and into adulthood, I explored various menstrual support—from tampons to organic pads and menstrual cups. Despite these products being organic and eco-friendly, none truly resonated with the needs of my sanctuary.  

My journey through the complex world of menstrual products led me back to the essence of simplicity and naturalness, where I discovered the flow…and joy of free bleeding. 

I threw away all the tools and special products and was left with just me & my blood.

This practice cultivated a sacred connection with myself and nature, allowing me to embrace my femininity fully.


What is Free Bleeding? 

Free bleeding is the practice of menstruating without the use of pads, tampons, or cups, embodying the essence of absolute acceptance of your femininity.


Challenging Societal Norms – The Stigma Around Menstruation

Since medieval times, menstruating women have been labeled impure. This idea still remains in society, it’s just been given a more elegant form with beautiful – clean – menstrual aids. 

Societal pressure compels many women to feel ashamed of their natural cycle, viewing it as something to hide or be disgusted by. 

However, by rejecting this integral part of our femininity, we disconnect from the miraculous and magical process that menstruation truly is.

Reclaiming Your Sacred Gift 

Your blood is not a shame; it’s a sacred gift. 

It’s time to challenge the ingrained beliefs and embrace our menstrual blood as the powerful essence it is. 

I invite you to explore this connection, to interact with your blood freely and without judgment, and to offer it back to the Earth as a conscious gift.


Living the Practice of Free Bleeding

To integrate free bleeding into your life, embrace days of solitude during your period to connect deeply with yourself.

Consider connecting with nature, and using a menstrual scarf as a symbol of this liberation. 

There are many ways to practice free bleeding, each a celebration of your connection to the Earth.


Ready for More?

Sisters of the Lemurian Womb course will walk away with a profound connection to their feminine essence, equipped with the knowledge, practices, and support to navigate life with intuition, creativity, and deep inner strength.