Medicine of the Womb

In a world where our uteruses are often defined solely by their reproductive function, have you ever wondered if there’s more to this sacred space within us

In this illuminating article, you will:

  • Learn the sacred significance of your womb and its energetic presence
  • Tap into your sensuality, intuition, and creativity with newfound awareness
  • Discover the connection between your womb and the universal cosmic pulse
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the role of the Svadhisthana chakra in the womb space
  • Taste the transformative power of connecting with the wisdom of your womb

As you delve deeper into the wisdom of the womb, you’ll find that it’s not just a physical space; it’s a gateway to your inner source of life and inspiration. Ready to dive in?

Over the past few days I’ve been diving further into the depths of my soul – connecting with the holistic waters from the hot springs, tuning into my breath, and engaging with fire. 

If I’m honest, I’ve had a bit of a rough time the last two months. The act & art of loving, hasn’t been easy. 

And yet – here I find myself alive and breathing, sitting at the throne of a waterfall and taking in another gorgeous sunset.

“Thank you”, I whisper. 

This beautiful sanctuary I am in reminds me so much of the sanctuary of the womb.

I reflect for a moment on how my experience of this place is so different from what I read about online, and how I had to travel here myself in order to fully discover the mystery & magic that was waiting for me here.

The womb, and what we as a society know about the womb, is like this as well.

The Meaning of the Womb

The anatomy textbooks tell us that the uterus is just a few centimeters below the belly button, and that its sole purpose is to create new life. 

But there is so much more to say!

Your uterus ~ womb is your body’s direct line of communication to the very Source of the universe; the chaos and primordial spark of life, which is the basis of all life.

The womb is a sacred space where your sensuality and intuition originate. Think of it as a portal to the primal power of the Universe. 

Even the ancient Sanskrit word, yoni, (which has been used to describe the vagina and uterus for thousands of years) translates to “sacred passage” and quite literally, “Source”. 

The womb in its essential meaning far transcends any physical presence of your reproductive organs.

What if I don’t have a womb anymore?

I am often asked by women whether they are still women after they have had to undergo surgery to remove the uterus, for example, due to an illness.

To this question, I have a very important message for all women: 

Your ability to connect with the energy center of your uterus ~ your womb, is not dependent on the presence of your female organs. 

Even if you’ve had your physical uterus removed, you still have an energetic uterus. This is true also even if you only have one ovary; energetically speaking, the other ovary is present with you.

Take a moment and breathe into your womb now and ask this space, “What would you like to say?”

How the Womb Connects to the Chakra System

In the chakra system, the uterine space is known as the Svadhisthana chakra, or sacral center. 

In ancient Vedic teachings (dating back over ten thousand years), the Svadisthana Chakra is depicted as a milky white crescent moon facing upwards, symbolizing the connection to the water element and the connection to our desires, sensuality, creativity, sexual energy, and the connection to the flow of life.

The uterine area is therefore the physical and energetic center from which the pulse of our being springs. From this place, not only is new life born, but it is also the space in which the seeds of new visions, ideas and projects grow.

Connecting to your Womb

Connecting with the wisdom of the womb is not just about understanding information from your mind… It is about remembering the primal pulse. 

It’s about knowing that every cell in you already knows. 

Connecting with the energetic realm of the womb is like tuning into the cosmic pulse of Source – it is the miracle that pulses with the hidden energies of life. This is not only a connection to the physical world you live in, it’s about connecting to the infinite abundance of creativity and life force that flows through you.

By deepening your connection to the womb, you naturally open yourself to:

  • Having richer and more sensual experiences 
  • Cultivating a deep intuition that shows you the way to your own authenticity & power
  • New inspiration for your daily life

And so much more.

Connecting with the womb is a journey of truth, self-reflection, and inner exploration & it takes PRACTICE.

Want to reconnect to the energy of your womb?

If you’ve read this far and you find yourself leaning in with curiosity, I invite you to explore my signature program, Lemurian Womb.

Inside Lemurian Womb, you will:

  • Discover who you truly are – free from societal distortions.
  • Shift from a chronic overthinker to an embodied intuitive.
  • Cultivate a strong connection to your womb & inner divine guidance system.
  • Align with the natural rhythm and cycle of nature and your own body.
  • Learn how to make an impact from a place of authentic sacred power.
  • Deepen your intuition and embrace your feminine gifts.
  • Expand your vitality, health, and sensuality for a life of contentment, happiness, and love.
  • Unlock your creativity and superabundance with ease and flow.
    And more!