Navigating the Storm: The Art of Ritual Practices for Your Menstrual Cycle

Oh the emotional rollercoaster of menstruation…

The onset of my monthly period always brings a tumultuous ride of emotions, transforming my inner landscape within seconds. 

From anger to sadness, the arrival of the sacred red tide signifies the release of old parts of myself that no longer serve my journey. 

It’s a natural process, almost like a storm that sweeps away the unnecessary, preparing the soul for its next step…


Creating a Sanctuary for Moon Time

During these intense times, it’s essential to create a sanctuary that supports both rest and the expression of these powerful emotions. 

Here are the elements of my personal “red tent,” which you might consider incorporating into your moon time rituals:

  1. A Cozy Nest

Prepare a comfortable bed or nest, adorned with flowers and scented with incense or essential sprays, offering a snug retreat for the first few challenging days.

  1. Musical Healing

Keep musical instruments like a drum for expressing anger and a crystal bowl for soothing sadness close by. Singing and the vibrations of these instruments can help harmonize your emotions back into a state of love.

  1. Enchanting Films

Choose films with a higher dimension, such as “Song of the Sea” or “Soul,” to uplift and transport you to other worlds.

  1. Solitude from Male Energy

The sacred time of your menstruation is an inner ceremony. Male presence can unintentionally disrupt this energy, as their energy naturally flows in the upward and opposite direction.

  1. Women’s Circle

When you’re feeling a bit more energetic, engaging with a circle of women can be incredibly nourishing. This isn’t a time for hosting; it’s a time for being and asking for what you need.

  1. Embracing Water

Whether it’s a visit to a private beach or a salt bath at home, immersing in water can provide profound relaxation and a sense of renewal.

  1. Nourishing Meals

Plan for warm meals that comfort from within or consider fasting to deepen the cleansing process.


Rituals and Practices to Try


Sacred Blood Collection

Collecting your menstrual blood, whether through free bleeding into nature or using menstrual panties, creates a protective energy field and supports your intentions.

This act connects you deeply with the earth and expresses gratitude.

Mindful Decision-Making

Avoid making significant decisions during the initial days of your cycle. Wait until after your womb has fully emptied. Simply allow questions and feelings to flow freely, tapping into the intuitive guidance that this sensitive time offers.

Exploring Free Bleeding

If curious about free bleeding, plan ahead, ensuring those around you understand your needs and intentions. (The summer/warmer months are an ideal time to explore free bleeding.) 

Navigating your menstrual cycle with intention and care transforms this time from a challenge to a sacred opportunity for healing and reflection. By creating a supportive sanctuary and engaging in meaningful rituals, you can honor your body’s natural rhythms and connect more deeply with your inner self and the earth.


Make Your Cycle Sacred with Lemurian Womb

Join us in Lemurian Womb and transform your monthly cycle (and your entire life!) into a deeply nourishing, empowering, and sacred experience. 

Inside Lemurian Womb, you will:

  • Say yes to your true inner guidance system, claiming your birthright to bliss and orgasmic energy.

  • Recognize and embody your inner oracle, accessing deep intuitive insights and wisdom.

  • Live life on your own terms, in holistic alignment with your authentic feminine flow, embracing your womanhood and femininity.

  • Feel deeply supported in your quantum leaps, allowing life force to flow through you with ease and grace.

  • Liberate your womb, wisdom, and wealth – stepping into a more empowered state of being.

  • Enjoy additional bonuses, including live rituals from the Womb of Lemuria, Hula dance lessons, wisdom of the waters, hormone balancing guidance, and a supportive private group environment.

    And so much more…
Sounds Amazing!