Ovulation – Your Inner Fire (And Why You Need It)

What is ovulation time like for you? Does it feel like a blossoming, a fullness, the absolute manifestation of your fertility? Or is ovulation just a medical concept for you? 

Read on to discover…

  • Enhanced awareness of the significance of your inner summer – Ovulation
  • How ovulation impacts your energy levels, creative work, social connections, and overall prosperity and abundance in life.
  • Hormonal support codes provided by ovulation that positively allow our brain health, breast health, bone health, and cardiovascular health to thrive!
  • The potential reasons for why you’re NOT ovulating.
  • Practical tips on how to easily support ovulation and maintain vitality.

Most women associate ovulation with a visit to their doctor and/or only concern themselves with thinking about ovulation when talking about pregnancy.

But the thing is – the importance of ovulation goes beyond just wanting (or not wanting) to have a baby.

The Ovulation Phase

The ovulation phase affects your entire menstrual cycle by discerning how much energy you can put into your creative work and how much energy you have throughout your cycle. 

This energy also impacts your social connections, your wealth & abundance, and how you see yourself. 

Not to mention, ovulation supports and maintains your physical body in optimal vitality and hormonal balance. 

Each of your ovulatory cycles naturally delivers hormones (estrogen & progesterone) to your body that support the health of your brain, the natural function and health of your breasts, bones and cardiovascular system.

“What If I Don’t Ovulate?”

If you have lost your ovulation due to illness, medical intervention, or hormonal imbalance, or perhaps you suppress your ovulation out of fear of an unplanned pregnancy, I would strongly encourage you to focus your intention & actions towards recovering your ovulation.  

Why? Because without ovulation, you are depriving yourself of vitality-preserving hormones that your body requires.

A common reason for why women lose their ovulation is through birth control pills. 

Yes, you read that correctly – If you are taking hormonal contraceptives, you are chemically shutting down your natural ovulation cycle and therefore disrupting your flow for creativity, health, and wealth.

Other reasons for not ovulating (also known as having an anovulatory cycle) include:

  • Subjecting your body to excessive levels of stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor and unhealthy diet
  • Traveling too often
  • Engaging in anything that vastly disrupts your body’s circadian rhythm

(Pssst! For more information on irregular menstruation, check out this article.)

How To Properly Support Your Ovulation

One of the best, and simplest ways you can support your ovulation is through food!

According to Ayurvedic medicine, ovulation causes the internal heat of your digestive system to rise and your digestive system reaches its fiery & powerful peak. 

Due to this increased energy in your digestive system, it is ideal to incorporate cooler & raw foods into your diet during ovulation to encourage the flow of fresh nutrients into your body while simultaneously balancing the internal heat your body experiences during this phase. 

Recalibrate Your Cycle

If you’d like to dive deeper into how to bring your hormones & cycle into balance so that you can truly flow with life and not against it, you’ll want to join Lemurian Womb.

Lemurian Womb is for the wise womb-en who:

  • Wants to live life on her own terms and in holistic alignment with her authenticity.
  • Respects her intuition (in theory) and wants to learn how to access her inner guidance system.
  • Values having a nourished & well-supported cycle.
  • Is ready to feel fully supported in her personal growth and quantum leaps.

Everything I know about creating a life that is full of rich, divine bliss is inside of this course. Plus there’s an entire set of bonuses to support you… including a bonus all about Hormone Balancing – how to eat, move, and be in harmony for every phase of your cycle.

See for yourself – It’s all waiting for you inside of Lemurian Womb…