The Rhythm of Ancestral Blood

What does it mean to be connected to your ancestral lineage?

This topic that I bring to your field of inspiration today is a topic that gives me chills… 

As a woman, you are innately very strongly connected to your lineage and to all the women of your lineage. 

You will often hear this phrase in many self-development courses, inside spiritual books, or spoken throughout worldly inspirational teachings, but what does it really mean?

In this blog post, you will discover:

  • A profound understanding of the sacred interconnectedness of your lineage and all the women who came before you.

  • Insight into the significance of the genetic memory carried within your blood (and how it influences your life.)

  • Clarity on how this deep connection can affect your experiences, choices, and feelings.

  • Empowerment to explore and tune into the programs, reactions, and habits that reside within you, inherited from your ancestors.


At the end of this post, you’ll receive an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, enchantment, and conscious choice in carrying forward the gifts and imprints from your lineage.

Let’s dive in.

You Once Lived In Your Grandmother’s Womb…

Believe it or not, the primordial cells of an egg are formed in a woman’s body as early as four months into pregnancy. 

This means each one of us spent about five months of our life in our grandmother’s wombs…

… And your grandmother was also forming and growing in her grandmother’s womb… and on and on. 

All the women of your lineage are connected and they pass on vibrations, codes, patterns and gifts, all through the blood.

What’s Inside Your Genetic Memory

Long before you chose to physically come into this world, the essence of you was already “alive” in your mother’s blood. 

You may not remember exactly what the connections are, why they exist, or how they came to be, but the genetic memory of your cells knows exactly and triggers when you find yourself in specific life situations.

Have you experienced this for yourself? Does the thought feel comforting or scary?

You may not be a mother yet, but these connections affect how you feel on earth and how you are able to create (projects, books, classes…everything).

I invite you to tune into the programs, reactions and habits that live within you and that you carry from your maternal lineage. 

Immerse yourself in the discovery, and know that even though you carry the imprints of your ancestors within you, it is up to you to decide how you want to live and what you will pass on. Want my support?

Introducing… Lemurian Womb

Inside Lemurian Womb, you will:

  • Receive ceremonial initiations and sacred teachings related to your sacred blood.
  • Develop the ability to clear your womb, body, and energy field so that you can create the life you desire.
  • Establish a profound connection with your womb as your guiding intuition.
  • Let go of limiting beliefs, thoughts, and patterns holding you back.
  • Align with the natural rhythm and cycle of nature and your own body.
  • Expand your vitality, health, and sensuality for a life of contentment, happiness, and love.
  • Experience a series of activations to deepen your connection with your womb.

I am so honored to connect with you inside of a community of like-hearted women.