The Unseen Sanctuary: Navigating Cervical Activation Without a Cervix or Uterus

When discussing cervical activation and the awakening of the sanctuary within, a common question I receive arises from women who no longer have a cervix, ovaries, or uterus. 

These women often wonder how they can connect with and harness the magic of their sanctuary if these physical parts have been removed. 

It’s an amazing question, so let’s explore this important subject more closely…


The Multidimensional Body

First, your body is a complex entity. Yes, the physical body is the most succulent manifestation of your energy in space, but it doesn’t stop there! 

Your “body” includes multiple layers, such as the emotional body, the energy body, and the auric body, among others. 

These layers represent the multidimensional nature of your existence, extending beyond mere physicality.


The Energetic Imprint of Your Organs

Imagine your body’s structure not just as a physical outline but as a blueprint that includes all internal organs, replicated across your various layers. 

This means that even if certain organs like the uterus or ovaries have been physically removed, they remain present energetically. 

These energetic counterparts are vibrant and awaiting your attention & engagement.


Embracing the Energetic Journey

Discovering that our energetic bodies retain the imprint of our sexual organs, even after physical removal, can be a massive revelation for many women. 

If this resonates with you, see it as the beginning of a profound journey… 

I encourage you to start forming connections with the energetic imprints of your sexual organs, treating them as if they were still physically present.


Remain Open To Learning More… 

It’s fascinating to note that in-depth examinations of the cervix’s nerves were only conducted in 2011, revealing the cervix as the most innervated part of our sexual anatomy!

Despite this discovery being relatively recent, many in the medical field remain unaware. 

We are all collectively facing a great social and scientific revolution of the sanctuary and you are standing at the beginning of it!

Which is part of why I’m so excited to tell you about Lemurian Womb.

Lemurian Womb is my signature 13-week program that will guide you to:

  • Regulate your cycle so that you live life in total holistic alignment.
  • Access your intuition to make heart-led decisions in your life, business and relationships.
  • Let go of limiting beliefs, thoughts, and patterns holding you back.
  • Liberate your womb, wisdom, and wealth.
  • Rediscover the depth of your womanhood, free from societal and ancestral distortions.

    And sooo much more.

See what life is like for you on the other side of activating your lemurian womb →